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Saturday 12 July 2014

Plum Pomegranate Juice

Hi all......after a short silence I'm back again with a simple juice......and indeed a healthy choice  :-). I'm enjoying this summer to the full fledge and hope you too....I can see the reflection of sun onto the leaves which would give a mirror like shiny appearance......I don't know whether I have loved "sun" to this extend before.

This land of crispy apples gives me the sensations of a mysterious lover......who has wonderful eyes, showing me the most lovely and eye catching frames......who has a beautiful long nose which delivers me the organic fragrance of spring......who has the most passionate lips to kiss me in the form of light breeze and simultaneously conceals its mystery.

For me, plum was a cake related stuff. But recently when Anish brought a packet of it I thought of the plum and pomegranate combo.....not a bad idea right....? Thank Lord! This is my second post for drinks after strawberry pear smoothie

Three Plums (ripened)  
1/4 cup of pomegranate seeds (ripened)
Sugar or honey - as per your taste requirement (I used about half cup of sugar)
Two cups of water

Cut the plums into smaller portions and remove the seeds.

Blend plums, pomegranate and sugar in one- fourth cup of water.

When it is well blended to smooth pulp, add remaining water and if the concentration is more, add more amount of water and  sugar (dependent on your taste preference) and serve. 

Note: If you do not want the pulp, strain it.

We had this on a golden evening enjoying each zip with our little one.  Wish you all a fantastic summer ......... :-)


  1. What a lovely combination dear, pretty looking n yummy.....

  2. Lovely combination! The color looks amazing!

  3. that is a refreshing drink... hope to see u back in action more frequently...

  4. attractive appearance..seems it is a nice combo! delicious!

  5. nice and refershing.. looks yumm..

  6. Happy to see you back! The drink looks delicious.

  7. Wow...that glass of juice looks super it

  8. Loved the rich colour..the juice looks too good...

  9. That is a killer Juice. Loved the second picture. Its superb.

  10. Wonderful nd rich color.. I am going to make ths fr Iftar

  11. refreshing and a healthy combo

  12. Love the color....... Looks refreshing!!

  13. Been wondering how come I haven't seen any post from some time. Enjoy your summer and I'm enjoying looking at this breathtaking juice, power packed with lots of nutrients.

  14. This look delicious I love pomegranate and plums!

  15. Plum pomegranate juice looks delicious.

  16. Hi Remya ! Thanks for always stopping by!

  17. HI Remya, Nice to hear from you after the short break!! Hope everything is good at your end. The Pom Plum juice looks vibrant with summer colors.

  18. that vibrant colour was the firs thing i noticed... sure ther will be a blood rush in our body as both are very nutritious.

  19. hey Remya..thanks for ur lovely words...glad u liked that post. And this is indeed a lovely combo too.. nice colur dear

  20. How i missed this post!!!!!!!!!What a colour!!!!!nice clicks too


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